Monday, September 22, 2014

K's Adventures :: School Days

After a year and a half of part-time pre-school, our four year old Granddaughter started 'big school' this month. Kya is well adjusted, a happy girl who has the biggest heart; so we felt going to full day would be an easy adjustment for her. But that big heart and her attachment to her Mama made for tears several mornings when she was dropped at school.
What is a Grandmother to do ? Make a promise of a new Barbie if she is a 'brave girl' for the rest of the week. It worked ..... until she went back to school on Monday. But the routine set in and her tears dried, so Kya felt more Barbie's were in order. Yes - she is smart. We played with her newest leggy doll instead.

But the tables turned this week and one morning Kya was dry eyed as several of her classmates had their turn for tears. And there she was comforting the other four year old students. The sweetest part of my Granddaughter is her enormously generous heart and everyone around her feels the power of that - even her little school yard friends. 

Among the necessary paperwork for school is the updated medical details, this required a trip to the doctor. Her mother came straight from work and met us at the appointment. On the way to the doctor's Kya asked me in a very concerned voice 'is my Mama ok'. I explained to her that the doctor appointment was for her because the school needs a certificate to show she is healthy. She told me rather indignantly 'I am healthy'.
I felt so guilty - I knew that they were going to give her a couple of required shots when we arrived. Tucked in my purse was a special Halloween cookie for her.

Two nurses rounded up each side of my Granddaughter to get the shots done in one motion together. My daughters nervousness was interrupted by Kya's curious nature as she asked the nurses on each side of her 'hey, what are you two up to'. Mama laughed {for a moment}, K cried and thankfully Grandma had open arms and a big cookie waiting.

And so, these school years begin. Hard to believe because it was only yesterday that Kya was born.

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